The Hair Growth Cycle: Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen Phases Explained

June, 2024

Did you know that a specific biological cycle governs your hair's health and growth? This cycle consists of three crucial phases—each playing a distinct role in how your strands emerge, evolve, and renew. By understanding these phases, you can take proactive steps to nurture your hair at every stage of its journey, enhancing both its growth and vitality.

In this guide, we'll delve into the anagen, catagen, and telogen phases of hair growth, uncovering the science behind each stage. Whether you're struggling with hair loss, seeking to boost hair growth, or simply aiming to maintain healthy hair, this exploration will equip you with the knowledge you need.

Moreover, we will introduce you to how VIBRAHAIR's innovative products are specifically designed to support your hair's natural growth cycle. From nourishing serums that invigorate the scalp during the anagen phase to gentle care products that protect hair during the catagen and telogen phases, VIBRAHAIR offers solutions tailored to enhance the health and appearance of your hair through every phase.

Join us as we explore the fascinating dynamics of the hair growth cycle and discover how you can align your hair care routine with biological insights to achieve stronger, healthier hair!

The Anagen Phase (Growth Phase)

The anagen phase, or the growth phase, is the first and longest phase of the hair growth cycle. It can last anywhere from two to seven years and determines the length of your hair. During this phase, hair follicles are actively producing new hair cells. Hair grows approximately half an inch per month, although this rate can vary based on genetic disposition and health factors.


At VIBRAHAIR, we understand the critical role of the anagen phase in hair growth, which is why we offer the Red Light Therapy Hat as a targeted solution to enhance this vital growth period. This innovative device utilizes advanced red light therapy to stimulate hair follicles by increasing blood circulation and enhancing cellular metabolism. 

This increase in nutrient and oxygen supply directly supports the active growth of cells in the scalp, encouraging stronger, thicker hair growth. Regular use of the Red Light Therapy Hat can help extend the duration of the anagen phase, resulting in longer hair and a fuller, healthier scalp. This therapy is not only effective but also non-invasive and pain-free, making it an ideal choice for those seeking significant improvements in their hair growth cycle.

The Catagen Phase (Transition Phase)

Following the anagen phase, the hair enters the catagen phase—a brief transitional period lasting about two to three weeks. During this phase, hair growth stops, and the outer root sheath shrinks and attaches to the root of the hair. This forms a club hair that will eventually be replaced by new hair. Only about 1% of hair is in the catagen phase at any given time.

Transition Care with VIBRAHAIR

VIBRAHAIR's Conditioners play a crucial role during this phase. They help to fortify the hair structure, making it resilient against the natural detachment process. Ingredients like panthenol and silk amino acids help to smooth and strengthen the hair cuticle, preventing premature breakage and easing the transition to the next phase.

The Telogen Phase (Resting Phase)

The telogen phase is the final phase of the hair growth cycle, where hair does not grow but rests for about three to four months before falling out. It is normal to shed between 50 and 100 hairs a day during this phase as new hairs push out the old.

VIBRAHAIR's Scalp Treatment for Telogen Phase

To optimize scalp health and pave the way for new growth, VIBRAHAIR offers  Scalp Treatment Shampoos that hydrate and nourish the scalp with natural ingredients. This treatment maintains the scalp's health and mitigates issues like dryness and flakiness, which can obstruct new hair growth.

Tips for Supporting Healthy Hair Growth

Enhancing your hair's health across all phases requires attention to detail and a proactive approach:

  • Maintain Nutritional Health: Ensure your diet includes sufficient levels of iron, vitamin D, zinc, and proteins which are crucial for hair growth.
  • Regular Scalp Care: Use VIBRAHAIR's scalp treatment products to maintain a healthy environment that nurtures hair follicles.
  • Stress Management: Implement stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, or regular physical activity.
  • Avoid Harsh Treatments: Minimize heat styling and harsh chemical treatments that can damage hair and affect its growth cycle.
  • Regular Trimming: Although it does not directly affect growth, trimming hair regularly helps prevent split ends and hair breakage, improving overall hair health.

“Understanding the hair growth cycle is key to achieving lush, healthy hair.”



Understanding the intricacies of the hair growth cycle is crucial for anyone looking to enhance their hair health and manage its growth effectively. By recognizing what occurs during the anagen, catagen, and telogen phases, you can tailor your hair care routine to nurture your hair throughout its entire lifecycle. 

VIBRAHAIR's carefully formulated products, including the innovative Red Light Therapy Hat, provide targeted support to maximize the health and vitality of your hair in each specific phase. Embracing this knowledge not only helps in choosing the right treatments but also empowers you to take proactive steps towards achieving the lush, healthy hair you desire.

Remember, healthy hair growth is a journey that involves understanding, patience, and commitment. With the right tools and knowledge, you can ensure that this journey is as effective and rewarding as possible. Explore our range of products to find more solutions tailored to your hair's needs and start your journey to optimal hair health today!

Take the first step towards better hair health today!

Explore our range of products tailored to your needs. Your journey to vibrant, resilient hair starts here.