Frequently Asked Questions

Please take a look at the sections below to find the answers you’re looking for. If you can’t find what you’re looking for or have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re always here to help!


Last updated: May 2024

1. VIBRAHAIR's Method
2. Results
3. Money-Back Guarantee
4. Shipping

1. VIBRAHAIR's Method

What is VIBRAHAIR and what makes our approach to hair loss unique?

VIBRAHAIR is not just a brand - we're dedicated to helping individuals like you find a hair loss treatment that will promote hair growth by harnessing the body's natural processes. Our comprehensive approach involves a range of products designed to attack hair loss from multiple angles, ensuring more effective and lasting results.

Why is a multi-angle approach more effective for hair growth?

Hair loss causes can be connected to poor blood circulation, weak hair follicles, scalp conditions, and nutrient deficiencies. By addressing these issues simultaneously with different, carefully selected products, VIBRAHAIR’s method ensures a more comprehensive treatment, leading to better and faster results.

What makes VIBRAHAIR’s method different from other hair loss treatments?

VIBRAHAIR’s method stands out from other hair loss treatments due to its holistic, non-invasive approach that leverages the body's natural processes to promote hair growth and help you find the hair loss remedy you've been looking for.

Who can benefit from VIBRAHAIR’s method?

VIBRAHAIR’s method is designed to be beneficial for a wide range of individuals experiencing hair loss or looking to improve their overall hair health. Both hair loss in women and men, that has appeared due to genetic factors, such as androgenetic alopecia, or age-related hair loss, can benefit from our method.

When should I start treating hair loss?

The sooner you start treating hair loss, the better your chances of successfully addressing the problem are. Early intervention is crucial because it allows you to tackle hair loss before it becomes more severe and harder to manage. Hair follicles can weaken over time, and delaying treatment can result in more extensive thinning and loss that might be more challenging to reverse. By finding hair loss solutions at the first signs of hair thinning or shedding, you can strengthen existing hair follicles, stimulate new growth, and maintain healthier hair overall. Acting early helps maximize the effectiveness of treatments and improves the likelihood of achieving and maintaining positive results.

Can VIBRAHAIR's products help if I've been bald for a long time?

Yes, you can use VIBRAHAIR's method even if you've been bald for a long time. However, the effectiveness of our products may vary depending on the duration of your hair loss. If you have been bald for a significant period, the chances of completely reversing hair loss are lower, as hair follicles may have become inactive or scarred over time. Our products are most effective for hair loss prevention, for individuals who are experiencing thinning or early stages of hair loss.

Can VIBRAHAIR products prevent future hair loss?

Yes, VIBRAHAIR products can help prevent future hair loss. Our method focuses on maintaining and improving scalp health, stimulating hair follicles, and promoting a healthy hair growth environment.

Can VIBRAHAIR products stimulate hair growth?

Yes, VIBRAHAIR products can stimulate hair growth. Our method focuses on enhancing scalp health, increasing blood circulation, and activating hair follicles to promote natural hair growth. By consistently using our products, you can support the rejuvenation of dormant hair follicles and improve the overall condition of your hair, leading to increased hair density and thickness.

Are there any side effects associated with your products?

VIBRAHAIR products are designed to be safe and gentle, with minimal side effects. Most users experience no adverse reactions. However, some individuals may experience mild scalp irritation or redness, especially when first using derma rollers or derma massagers. These effects are typically temporary and should subside as your scalp adjusts to the treatment. If you have sensitive skin or existing scalp conditions, we recommend performing a patch test before full application. If any discomfort persists or you experience significant irritation, discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional.

Are there any clinical studies supporting the effectiveness of your method?

Yes, there are clinical studies supporting the effectiveness of the key components used in VIBRAHAIR’s method. For more detailed information and links to relevant studies for our hair loss remedy, please check out our blog where we discuss the science behind our products and share the latest research in hair care and growth.

Are there any age or gender restrictions for using VIBRAHAIR products?

No, there are no age or gender restrictions for using VIBRAHAIR products. Our method is designed to be effective for adults of all ages and is suitable for both men and women. Whether you are experiencing hair thinning, early stages of hair loss, or looking to improve overall hair health, VIBRAHAIR products can be beneficial. However, we recommend that minors consult with a healthcare professional before starting any hair loss treatment.

Types of hair loss that the method can help with.

VIBRAHAIR’s method is designed to address various types of hair loss, including:

•    Androgenetic Alopecia: Commonly known as male or female pattern baldness, this genetic condition can be effectively managed by stimulating hair follicles and promoting regrowth.
•    Age-Related Hair Loss: As hair naturally thins with age, our products can help rejuvenate and strengthen hair follicles.
•    Postpartum Hair Loss: Women experiencing hair loss after childbirth can benefit from our method to stimulate regrowth and restore hair thickness.
•    Stress-Induced Hair Loss: By improving scalp health and blood circulation, our products can help mitigate hair loss caused by stress.
•    Damage-Related Hair Loss: For hair weakened by chemical treatments or mechanical damage, our natural hair loss prevention shampoos and conditioners provide essential nutrients to strengthen and repair hair.

Overall, VIBRAHAIR’s method supports a range of hair loss conditions by enhancing scalp health, stimulating follicles, and promoting natural hair growth.

What is the cost of VIBRAHAIR’s method?

Our method is designed to be widely accessible and affordable for everyone seeking to find hair loss help. We have priced our products competitively to ensure that effective hair loss treatment is within reach for as many people as possible. Compared to costly options like hair transplants, other clinical treatments, and many competitors, VIBRAHAIR offers a budget-friendly alternative that won’t break the bank. Our goal is to provide high-quality, effective hair loss solutions that are both affordable and easy to integrate into your daily routine.

How frequently should I use VIBRAHAIR products to achieve the best results?

For optimal results, we recommend using VIBRAHAIR products consistently and according to the instructions provided. Regular use ensures that your scalp and hair follicles receive continuous stimulation and nourishment, which is essential for promoting hair growth and maintaining hair health. Each product may have specific usage guidelines, so please refer to the individual product instructions for the best results. Consistency and adherence to the recommended routine are key to achieving and sustaining the desired outcomes.

Will I need to use VIBRAHAIR products indefinitely?

After achieving desired results, it's recommended to continue taking care of your hair. If you neglect your hair and scalp, you may start losing hair again. Regular use of our products supports ongoing scalp health and hair growth. Consistency is key to enjoying long-term benefits and keeping your hair healthy and strong. By maintaining a good hair care routine, you can sustain the positive results and prevent further hair loss.

Can I use VIBRAHAIR products while pregnant?

If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, we recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before using VIBRAHAIR products. While our products are generally safe and designed to be gentle, it's important to ensure that any new treatment is appropriate for your specific situation during pregnancy. Your healthcare provider can give you personalized advice based on your health needs and the safety of the products for you and your baby.

2. Results

When could I expect to see results from using VIBRAHAIR products?

Seeing results with VIBRAHAIR’s method can vary depending on individual factors such as the severity of hair loss and consistency of product use. Generally, most users begin to notice improvements in hair texture and a reduction in hair loss within 8-12 weeks of consistent use. For significant hair growth and increased hair density, it typically takes 3-6 months of regular use. Using multiple VIBRAHAIR products together can enhance the overall effectiveness of the treatment, potentially leading to better and faster results.

Can I combine VIBRAHAIR products for better results?

Yes, combining VIBRAHAIR products can enhance overall effectiveness. Using multiple products simultaneously addresses hair loss from different angles, providing comprehensive stimulation and nourishment to your scalp and hair follicles, leading to better and faster results.

What results can I expect if I use VIBRAHAIR products inconsistently?

Inconsistent use of VIBRAHAIR products can lead to suboptimal results. Regular, consistent application is essential to stimulate and maintain the biological processes that promote hair growth. Sporadic use may slow progress and reduce the effectiveness of the treatments.

What are the typical stages of hair growth and improvement I can expect?

The typical stages of hair growth and improvement include:
•    First 8-12 weeks: Noticeable improvements in hair texture and a reduction in hair loss.
•    3-6 months: Significant hair growth, increased hair density, and stronger hair.
•    6+ months: Continued thickening and strengthening of hair, with sustained use maintaining these improvements.

Can the results vary based on the severity of my hair loss?

Yes, the severity of your hair loss can affect the results. Individuals with early-stage hair thinning may see more rapid and noticeable improvements, while those with more advanced hair loss may require longer treatment periods to achieve significant results.

Are the results from VIBRAHAIR products permanent?

While VIBRAHAIR products can provide long-lasting results, maintaining these results requires ongoing care. If you stop using the products and neglect your hair and scalp, hair loss may resume over time. Consistent use helps to sustain the positive effects.

Can I see results if I only use one of the VIBRAHAIR products instead of the complete system?

Using a single VIBRAHAIR product can still yield positive results, but combining multiple products often leads to better and faster outcomes. Each product targets different aspects of hair health, and using them together provides a more comprehensive approach.

What kind of hair thickness and density improvements can I expect?

With consistent use of VIBRAHAIR products, you can expect to see improvements in hair thickness and density. Individual results vary, but many users report noticeably fuller and thicker hair within a few months of regular use.

Will I maintain results if I stop using the products after achieving my desired hair growth?

To maintain the results achieved, it is important to continue taking care of your hair and scalp. Stopping the use of VIBRAHAIR products and neglecting hair care may lead to a resumption of hair loss. Continued use or a proper maintenance routine is recommended to sustain the benefits.

How can I maximize the effectiveness of VIBRAHAIR products for better results?

To maximize effectiveness, use VIBRAHAIR products consistently and as directed. Combine multiple products to address different aspects of hair health, maintain a healthy diet for hair loss nutrition, stay hydrated, and follow a regular hair care routine to support overall hair growth and health.

What should I do if I am not seeing the expected results within the recommended time frame?

If you are not seeing the expected results, ensure you are using the products consistently and correctly. Consider combining additional VIBRAHAIR products to enhance effectiveness. If you still do not see improvements, consult our customer service team for personalized advice and support.

How do I measure the progress and effectiveness of my hair regrowth journey with VIBRAHAIR?

Measure your progress by taking regular photos of your scalp and hair, noting changes in hair thickness, density, and overall health. Keep a journal of your usage routine and any observations. This will help you track improvements and adjust your routine as needed to achieve the best results.

3. Money-Back Guarantee

What is the VIBRAHAIR 1-Year Money-Back Guarantee?

The VIBRAHAIR 1-Year Money-Back Guarantee allows customers to request a refund for their LED Red Light Therapy Hat after using it for 365 days if they do not see visible results. 

Which products are covered under the 1-Year Money-Back Guarantee?

The guarantee covers only the LED Red Light Therapy Hats sold on our website.

How do I qualify for the 1-Year Money-Back Guarantee?

To qualify, you must use the LED Red Light Therapy Hat for 365 days and register your device within 30 days of receipt. Additionally, the device must be returned fully functional and in like-new condition.

What steps do I need to take to register my LED Red Light Therapy Hat for the money-back guarantee?

Register your device within 30 days of receipt by contacting Provide your name, order number, and a before photo of your hair. This information is necessary to validate your 12-month money-back guarantee.

Can I return my LED Red Light Therapy Hat before the 365-day period ends?

No, returns before 365 days from the receipt of the product are not accepted under the money-back guarantee policy.

If I purchase a bundle that includes the LED Red Light Therapy Hat, does the money-back guarantee apply to the entire bundle?

No, the money-back guarantee applies only to the LED Red Light Therapy Hat, not to any other items in the bundle.

You can check the full information regarding our Money-Back Guarantee HERE.

4. Shipping

Which countries do you ship to?

We ship to Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States. 

If any of our products have differences in the shipping destinations, this information will be noted on the respective product page.

What are the estimated delivery times for my order?

The estimated delivery time is 1-3 weeks after the order has been processed. For most countries, the average delivery times range from 5-13 days. Delivery times may vary depending on the country of delivery and potential delays.

Why did I receive multiple packages for my order?

To optimize shipping costs and provide affordability, we utilize multiple warehouses for our operations. Therefore, if you order multiple products, they may be shipped from different locations and arrive at different times.

How can I track my order?

You will receive a Shipment Confirmation email with your tracking number(s) once your order has shipped. The tracking number will be active within 24 hours. You can track your order on our ‘Track Order’ page.

You can check the our full Shipping Policy HERE.