Identifying Your Hair Loss Type: Explore The Main Causes and Find Our Solutions

June, 2024

You have noticed that your hair is falling out over time and have tried every solution, but can’t manage to overcome this problem? Before starting any treatment, it's crucial to understand what is the reason for this to happen. Once you understand the cause, you can find the best solution to regain your confidence and enjoy strong, healthy hair for years to come.


Dealing with hair loss can be tough, but understanding the different types and causes can help you take your hair's well-being in hands.
In this article, you will explore the different types of hair loss and what causes them, and you will be one step closer to finding a solution for your problem.


We will also reveal more about Red Light Therapy as part of our proven method that has succeeded in helping hundreds of people around the world overcome specific types of hair loss. Do we have your attention already? Well, then keep reading!

What exactly is Alopecia?

Have you heard about Alopecia before? In other words, Alopecia is hair loss. This problem affects millions of people worldwide and can be caused by a variety of factors. Hair may regrow in some cases, but there is also the possibility of it falling out again or not growing back at all. That's why it is important to know what the types and causes are, so you can identify them, and start the process of treatment and your hair regrowth journey.


At VIBRAHAIR, our mission is to empower you with the knowledge and tools to effectively address and overcome hair loss with the help of our own unique method.

Different Types of Alopecia

Alopecia can be caused by factors that disrupt the natural hair growth cycle. While some types can be prevented, others can impact people of any age. Family history, age, gender, and race can all play a role in determining the likelihood of developing alopecia in some form, so using prevention methods & techniques could be really helpful in the long run.

1. Androgenetic Alopecia

Hair usually grows in groups of three or four on the scalp. In Androgenetic Alopecia, commonly known as male or female pattern hair loss, these groups thin out and eventually, the scalp starts showing through. This is the most common type of hair loss, affecting more than half of men over 50 and about half of women over 65. It can also appear in younger individuals.


Men typically lose hair in an "M" shape at the front and top of their heads, while women usually see thinning at the crown but maintain their frontal hairline. Women are less likely to go completely bald from this condition. The cause involves hormones and genetics, particularly a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which can make hair thinner and the growing phase shorter.

2. Telogen Effluvium 

Normally, we lose about 100 hairs daily. However, if you suffer from  Telogen Effluvium, you might lose up to 300 hairs a day because more hairs are resting than usual, making your hair look thinner.


Common causes of Telogen Effluvium include surgery, physical injuries, stress, infections, weight loss, changes in diet, hormonal changes like those during menopause or after giving birth, iron deficiency, etc. It might take a couple of months after any of these events to notice hair loss. Usually, this condition doesn’t last more than six months, though it can sometimes extend longer.

In terms of symptoms, Telogen Effluvium makes hair on the scalp thin out more evenly. While it's scary to lose a lot of hair quickly, remember that every lost hair is replaced by a new one growing in.

3. Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that usually starts with small, round patches of hair loss on the scalp, face, or other parts of the body, including eyebrows, eyelashes, and even pubic hair.

In this condition, certain immune cells attack the hair follicles, preventing them from growing hair. While scientists don't fully understand how this attack happens, it's clear that these immune cells play a key role. 

Hair loss from alopecia areata can be sudden and patchy. Sometimes these patches grow larger or merge, and in severe cases, all scalp hair may fall out quickly. Anyone can get it and it often starts in childhood, as it affects both men and women equally across all ethnicities, with about 1 in 1000 people experiencing it.

4. Traction Alopecia 

Traction alopecia is a type of hair loss caused by stress on hair follicles, usually from tight hairstyles like ponytails, dreadlocks, or braids. 

Unlike hair loss due to immune or genetic factors, traction alopecia is caused by physical strain. This can damage or even destroy hair follicles, leading to symptoms like redness, itching, scalp ulcers, and patches of weak or broken hair. It's often reversible with early detection by easing the tension on the hair. However, if caught too late, the damage might be permanent. 

5. Anagen Effluvium 

Chemotherapy-Induced Alopecia (CIA) or Anagen Effluvium  is a type of hair loss that is happening during the process of chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy treatments aim to target fast-growing cancer cells, but they also affect other quick-growing cells in your body, like hair roots. This is why hair loss often starts two to four weeks after beginning treatment. The amount of hair you lose depends on the type of chemo you're getting; some types may not cause hair loss at all.

Typically, the most common effect of chemo on hair is complete hair loss from the scalp, although some people might only experience thinning or patchy hair loss. 

6. Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia (Scarring Alopecia)

Frontal fibrosing alopecia is a type of scarring hair loss that mainly affects the forehead and sideburns, usually seen in postmenopausal women, though it can also occur in men and younger women.


The hairline recedes due to the loss and scarring of hair follicles, which might leave the skin looking normal but pale or shiny, sometimes with redness and scaling around the hair follicles. Many people experience eyebrow hair loss, and a few might lose eyelash or body hair.


*** Research suggests it's an autoimmune disorder, possibly influenced by genetics and environmental factors, where the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles.

7. Involutional Alopecia

This one represents the natural thinning of hair with age. It is caused by age-related reduction in the number of active hair follicles. While you cannot change this when you’re older, you can start reventing it with the right methods from a younger age.

8. Postpartum Alopecia

Experiencing hair loss after having a baby can be quite surprising, but it's actually a common condition known as postpartum alopecia. This happens because of a big drop in your estrogen levels right after you give birth.


If you’re a newbie mom, it's important to know that this isn't your usual type of hair loss. Instead, what's happening is that the extra hair you grew during pregnancy starts to fall out. This might sound worrying, but there's good news! This kind of hair loss is temporary. 

9. Lichen Planopilaris (Scarring Alopecia)

Lichen planopilaris is a type of scarring hair loss mostly seen in younger women, but it can also affect anyone, including men, though less commonly. It happens when the immune system mistakenly attacks the stem cells in the hair follicles, leading to scarring and hair loss on the scalp.

The condition often presents as smooth, shiny patches where hair has fallen out and the follicle openings are no longer visible. These patches might feel rough and show redness or scaliness at the base. 

Symptoms, although not always present, can include a burning sensation, itchiness, tenderness, and discomfort. The exact cause of lichen planopilaris is still unknown, but it may be linked to certain medications, skin contact with specific substances, or infections. 

Bonus: Trichotillomania

You might have heard about Trichotillomania -  an honorable mention, even though it’s not exactly a type of alopecia. This is a psycho dermatologic disorder that causes a strong urge to pull out hair. There are two main types: focused, where someone intentionally pulls out hair, sometimes following certain rituals, and automatic, where it happens without the person even realizing. Some people have a mix of both types.


Did you know that this condition often starts in adolescence and is more common in girls than boys? It can lead to noticeable bald patches which may cause distress and impact social or work life. While the reasons behind trichotillomania aren't fully understood, it might be partly genetic and often shows up around the ages of 10 to 13. It's also linked to anxiety and depression. Stressful situations can trigger it too.


If you’re still not sure what type of hair loss you experience, consulting with a professional is always a must, so you can get a better insight into this problem and the possible treatments that you could explore.

VIBRAHAIR’s Red Light Therapy Hat & Hair Regrowth Method

Understanding the devastating feelings hair loss can cause, and the bad effect it can have on your mental health and overall lifestyle, we’ve conducted years of research and testing, so we can come up with a solution for people just like yourself.


Our Hair Regrowth Method is especially created to fit your needs, as it dives deep into the world of Alopecia, its causes and possible solutions, and lifestyle changes you can implement in your daily life. We combine products for stimulating hair regrowth with our special hair cosmetics line, so you can achieve the best possible results. You can explore more information in our FREE GUIDE - it’s just one click away!

The VIBRAHAIR Red Light Therapy Hat, which is part of our Hair Regrowth Method,  offers an innovative solution for various types of hair loss. Utilizing Red Light Therapy (RLT), it stimulates hair follicles, promoting growth and reducing hair thinning. This non-invasive treatment can be particularly effective for androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium, and even some cases of traction alopecia. 


However, it’s important to note that not all forms of alopecia, such as cicatricial alopecia, respond well to this therapy. For conditions like severe scarring alopecia, consulting a specialist is advisable to determine the best course of action.

“In the journey to conquer hair loss, knowledge is your greatest ally.”



Don't let hair loss control your life! When you identify the problem at its roots and understand what could be causing it, finding a solution might appear easier than you’ve ever thought. Our main mission is to inspire people like you to find a hair loss cure that will help them regain their confidence and live their life to the fullest, as they regrow their hair back.

Explore VIBRAHAIR’s range of solutions designed to combat hair loss and promote healthy hair growth. Join us and become part of the VIBRAHAIR family where you will hear other peoples’ stories and explore tailored solutions, as we support you during the whole hair regrowth process. Get our guide today and make the first step towards change! 

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Explore our range of products tailored to your needs. Your journey to vibrant, resilient hair starts here.